


The Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus (LSTA) – in Danish: Menighedsfakultetet – educates theologians for the purpose of providing pastors for the church in Denmark and leaders for national and international mission.

LSTA was established in 1967 by a group of pastors and laymen within the Danish Lutheran Church. Their vision was to create an independent evangelical theological school in Aarhus. Since then LSTA has continuely grown to be a vital ressource for mission and the church in Denmark and provides through Fjellhaug International University College a BA Programme in Theology and Mission.



Please feel free to contact us for further information:

Tel: +45 86 16 63 00



LSTA (Menighedsfakultetet), Katrinebjergvej 75, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark


Academic staff

Klaus Vibe

Klaus Vibe

New Testament, Assistent Professor, ph.d., Leader of Academy
Michael M. Thunbo

Michael M. Thunbo

Ph.d.-student, assistent at Center for Practical Theology and Religious Studies
Peter Søes

Peter Søes

Systematic Theology, Assistant Professor, ph.d.
Jeppe Bach Nikolajsen

Jeppe Bach Nikolajsen

Systematic Theology, Professor, ph.d.
Emil Børty Nielsen

Emil Børty Nielsen

Ph.d., leader of Center for Christian Apologetics
Kurt Ettrup Larsen

Kurt Ettrup Larsen

Church History, professor, leader of Center for Practical Theology and Religious Studies
Oline Bøndergaard Kobbersmed

Oline Bøndergaard Kobbersmed

Lecturer at Center for Practical Theology and Religious Studies
Morten Hørning Jensen

Morten Hørning Jensen

New Testament, Professor, DDiv and PhD
Anja Smedstrup Christensen

Anja Smedstrup Christensen

Ph.d.-student in Old Testament
Thomas Bjerg Mikkelsen

Thomas Bjerg Mikkelsen

Head of School

Center for Christian Apologetics

In 2014 The Lutheran School of Theology under the leadership of professor Kurt Christensen founded the Danish Center for Christian Apologetics (CKA). The center aims to create a Danish community of apologetic expertise, equip pastors and church leaders with sound apologetic knowledge and reach young people who asks difficult questions of the Christian faith. For further information please feel free to contact the leader of the center PhD Emil Børty Nielsen ebn@teologi.dk

Center for Practical Theology and Religious Education

In 2022, MF established a new Center for Practical Theology and Religious Education. The Center’s mission is to communicate inspiration and knowledge within the fields of Practical Theology and Religious Education to church organizations, congregations, and educational and cultural institutions. Envisioned as an outward-facing research environment, our goal is to strengthen Christian preaching and education by elevating and addressing issues in an academic setting. We are committed to continually developing new initiatives.

With the establishment of this Center, we take a significant new step towards strengthening the practical aspects of our work and simultaneously create better frameworks for collaboration with other organizations interested in the same fields. Notably, a consortium has been established in connection with the Center, inviting related organizations with an interest in Religious Education to participate in a collaborative working community focused on educational initiatives. For further information, please contact Professor Kurt E. Larsen at kl@teologi.dk, or the daily leader, Michael Mørch Thunbo, at mt@teologi.dk

BA Programme

BA Programme

From 2019 Fjellhaug International University College offers a theological bachelor programme at the Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus. This BA programme in Aarhus is delivered and assessed in Danish/Norwegian. More information about Fjellhaug International University College can be found HERE

Brief History

Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus (LSTA) – in Danish ‘Menighedsfakultetet’ – was established in 1967 by a group of pastors and laymen within the Danish National Lutheran Church. Their vision was to create an independent theological school in Aarhus as an evangelical alternative to the programs at the theological faculties at the universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus.

The first courses at LSTA took place in 1972, the first full-time teacher of theology was appointed in 1973, and the present building came into use in 1982. The LSTA campus lies very close to the former Faculty of Theology at Aarhus University (since 2011: Theological Education at School of Arts), where some of the current students of LSTA are enrolled.

In 2005 LSTA launched its own theological bachelor’s degree programme accredited by University of Wales and delivered in Danish.

Since 2019 LSTA has offered a Norwegian bachelor’s degree programme through Fjellhaug International University College.